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Year 6

Welcome to Oak and Ash Classes


In Year 6, we continue to challenge children with a demanding mathematics curriculum. It is important that the children have a secure understanding of number and place value so that we can apply these skills to more complex problems and reasoning style questions. We will also begin to introduce more concepts such as ratio and proportion, algebra and statistics as the year progresses. The overview can be found in the curriculum area of the website. Throughout the year, there will be ample opportunities for the children to use their previously learnt and newly taught skills alongside each other in real life contexts and reasoning questions. This is to ensure they have mastered their learning, and also to prepare them for the SATs style of questioning. In addition to this, the children will have a times table focus each week, and will also complete a mini arithmetic style test once a week.

To help your child build solid foundations and become secure in their mathematical knowledge, it would be great if all children were able to quickly recall their multiplication and division related facts up to 12 x 12. They can use TT Rockstars to enable them to practise this.

If there are topics in which your child is less confident, they can use their revision guides and homework books to help them practice, and they also have access to SATs companion online. SATs companion has great ‘how to’ videos to help children learn certain concepts.


The reading and writing curricula are published below for Y6 and include current texts as well as some traditional tales. There are opportunities to write at length across the year, linked to work in other areas of the curriculum, including history, geography and RE as well as narrative based on texts studied in English lessons.

Our reading curriculum focusses for a half term on a text and includes close analysis of sections of text in association with reading further parts of the book.  Details of this can be seen in the curriculum map link below.  We encourage all children to read the texts at home if they can and let us know their own opinions of them.


Please ensure your child comes to school in P.E kit and that they have appropriate clothing for the colder weather. We ask that children wear non branded clothing in plain dark colours.


Year 6 children will be given revision books to work from. These focus on Maths and Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation. Children will be given a new page, from each book, to work through each week. Work is set each week but books should not be brought into school for checking.

Spellings and new vocabulary are taught according to the current learning and there is a list of high frequency words which children are expected to be able to spell correctly. However, in line with current guidance, spellings won’t be tested weekly, but embedded in their opportunities in lessons when they are writing.

There will be a weekly overview published to support any children self-isolating or home for any reason but are well enough to complete school work. Please use the overview to help your child learn and upload completed work to dojo as previously.

We encourage children to use the TT Rockstars website, and SATs Companion website as well as the Complete Maths, daily. Links to these can be found at the bottom of this page.


Curriculum map

Useful links

Brilliant book listSATs Companion

Knowledge organisers
