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Year 5

Welcome to Beech and Willow Classes



Every child has the opportunity to read to discuss and read to enjoy. They will be able to change their library book once it becomes safe and are encouraged to change their banded book when ready. Children are expected to read daily.  In class, children have a challenging reading curriculum, which exposes them to a book per half term, and which they discuss and evaluate through extracts over the course of a week.

The English writing curriculum covers a wide range of genres including narrative, non chronological reports, recounts and discussion texts.  The writing is always modelled using a WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like) and children are taught carefully how to write well punctuated and good quality sentences using great vocabulary.


Children will learn the y5 mathematics curriculum and in addition will consolidate learning from Y3 and 4.

To support fluency it is essential that children know and can recite all times tables up to 12 x 12.  Please also help them with maths at home; the calculation policy shows you how we teach maths with examples to help.  If you have any questions please use Class Dojo to message the teacher.

Children are encouraged to use the TT Rockstars website every day. There is a link to the website at the bottom of this page.  Children also have access to Complete Mathematics – a weblinked resource which supports mathematics skills and concepts and uses an algorithm to help children work at the level they are, and then move them on.


Please ensure your child comes to school in P.E kit and that they have appropriate clothing for the colder weather. We ask that children wear non branded clothing in plain dark colours.


Weekly homework and extra home learning tasks will be published on the front page of the website by Monday morning.  Please complete the homework task and upload to Class Dojo as you have been doing.  If you aren’t sure how to do this, please contact the class teacher.

Please ensure that your child has a quiet place to complete their homework and support them when needed.

Spellings to be learned will form part of the weekly teaching but won’t be formally tested.  New vocabulary within the week’s teaching will be taught in writing across the curriculum to embed in childrens’ memory.


Year 5 Curriculum Map

Useful Links

TT RockstarsBrilliant Book list

Knowledge Organisers
