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Year 4

Welcome to Falcons and Kestrels Classes



Year 4 gives pupils the opportunity to refine important English skills in writing for purpose, editing their own work, increasing their grammatical knowledge and developing word-power. All writing tasks are modelled and different stimuli used as a start point. A WAGOLL (What a good one looks like) gives the children an example to work towards.

Reading takes place daily and gives a fantastic opportunity for pupils to read and analyse a text under instruction. We have been able to share some challenging texts, with historical  or scientific themes linked to our topics.

Regular reading out loud to an adult is still essential and is a homework expectation. It is really useful to discuss the reading shared and encourage any inferential questions that the text might produce.

Reading materials are available at the school library, and in every classroom. In year 4 , the pupils will change their books weekly.


Year 4 builds on key number skills with increasingly large numbers.

We consolidate understanding of place value in numbers up to 100 thousand and also in decimals using tenths and hundredths. We also introduce the concept of negative numbers.

This half-term we are demonstrating place value and calculations using concrete resources. This is to consolidate understanding of the exchange that happens when we record the calculation in columns so that children are increasingly able to do this independently.

Abstract ideas are always carefully supported through the use of concrete materials (Base 10, Numicon, cubes, fraction tiles), then pictorially represented (bar models, part-whole diagrams, number squares, number lines) and this dual coding ensures a strong understanding.

The pupils continue to use TT Rockstars to practise their times tables daily. TT Rockstars should be used to practise at home. You can find a link to this at the bottom of the page. Paper copies of the recording sheets are available from the class teacher should you have any trouble accessing the online game.


Please ensure your child comes to school in P.E kit and that they have appropriate clothing for the colder weather. We ask that children wear non branded clothing in plain dark colours.


Please read with your child daily and write in their reading record.  Year 4 use words in the current teaching in their writing to embed them and their spellings in the childrens’ memory. We expect children to complete daily TT Rockstars.

TT Rockstars – 5 minutes daily

Homework will be posted weekly on Monday.  Homework tasks once completed should be uploaded to Class Dojo.  Please don’t send paper copies of homework completed into school. The curriculum for Y4 is in the links below for parents to have an overview of the learning in Y4.

Children are rewarded with dojo points for completing homework tasks.


Year 4 curriculum map

Useful links

TT RockstarsBrilliant Book list

Knowledge Organisers
