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Year 3

Welcome to Eagles and Hawks Classes


In Year 3 there is a focus on handwriting, grammar and spelling. Handwriting is a key component to ensure work is presentable and legible. Weekly spellings can be practised on the spelling sheet sent out. We also would expect children to practise the 100 year 3/4 common exception words.

Every day the children have an opportunity to read in guided sessions. They also have the chance to read and discuss books that they enjoy. It is expected for children to read daily. They will be able to change books from the library weekly once the pandemic and safe practice allow, and are encouraged to take a banded book on a Monday and return it on Thursday (if it has been read completely).


In Maths our priority is to ensure that the children understand and consolidate their learning before progressing to next stage. We use concrete resources and pictorial examples to help with their learning for more abstract concepts.

To assist with their learning in the classroom, at home you could help your children practise the times tables up to the 12x table, expose them to money (coins) and focus on telling the time on an analogue and digital clock.

Every day the children have the opportunity to practise their times tables and we encourage the use the TT Rockstars website every day at home to support their learning in class. There is a link to the website at the bottom of this page.


Please ensure your child comes to school in P.E kit and that they have appropriate clothing for either cold or warm weather. We ask that children wear non branded clothing in plain dark colours.


Please read with your child daily.

Homework is published as part of the next week’s learning on the website by Monday morning.




Useful Links

TT RockstarsElstow-Yr-3-Brilliant-Book-List.pdf

Year 3 Knowledge Organisers

Elstow Science Knowledge Organiser

Elstow History Knowledge Organiser

Elstow Geography Knowledge Organiser

Elstow Art Knowledge Organiser