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Year 2

Welcome to Badgers and Squirrels Classes


In Year 2 we cover a range of genres. We use high quality texts to develop our writing skills. Children will have the opportunity to write letters, recounts, narratives, instructions and reports. We will also explore how to write and perform poetry. Children learn what a good piece of writing looks like and they build up to writing their own independent piece.

We work very hard in Year 2 on sentence structure and punctuation. We encourage the children to become authors and write sustained pieces of high quality writing. Children are taught how to punctuate and check grammar in their writing and have specific sessions on building the skills to do this.

Each child has their own reading book. We read daily as a class and our focus is on the understanding of texts. We challenge the children to answer questions to demonstrate their knowledge. Although we cannot at present use our library, we still promote a love of reading and encourage families to enjoy sharing stories together.


In Year 2 we focus on place value and understanding numbers. The children will learn to partition two digit numbers as well as ordering and comparing them.

The children also develop their calculation skills. We learn about numbers bonds to 20 and 100. Children will learn how to add and subtract two digit numbers and explore the relationships between addition and subtraction. We will then learn multiplication and division using repeated addition and arrays. During lessons children will use concrete resources and pictorial representations to further consolidate their understanding.

Children are encouraged to practice times tables and in Year 2 we focus on  securing the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. There is a link to the website for TT Rockstars at the bottom of this page to help with practice at home.


Please ensure your child comes to school in P.E kit and that they have appropriate clothing for the colder weather. We ask that children wear non branded clothing in plain dark colours.


Spellings are listed to be learned but won’t be tested in school. However, they will be checked in their writing to ensure that the rules are learned.

Homework will be on the bottom of the home learning grid which is published on the front page of the website by Monday each week.



Year 2 Curriculum map

Useful links

TT Rockstars


Sounds Write online course 

Year 2 Knowledge Organisers
